
Destiny, does it exist, how does destiny work?

Greetings, there are many who have been asking me to talk about the destiny (or fate), On many of my writings in the forum (, or ( I give little examples with the unique intention that you answer yourselves.

Let's start by removing the romantic, miserable, dramatic, and emotional part of the subject, if we don't, if we are always thinking about the family member hit by a drunk driver in the street, with him dead baby in the hands of his parents, with more than four thousand million (of 7) of human beings living below the poverty line (less than 1 dollar a day), if we only focus on that right now, as I write this and you read it from your high-tech equipment, you have 5 children died of hunger, 10 thirsty, there have been 10 murders for no apparent reason, 15 rapes, 100 "accidents in fortuitous appearance"… .if we do not put aside all that feelings, we can never understand the greatness that knowing that destiny does not it exists, because our emotional human limitations, will prevent us from understanding because we will refuse to accept ... that there is not a journey (path or road), the journey is made when you start walking ....

And that brings us to the first point to clarify. Path, is there only one path? One of the mistakes people make in addressing this issue is to continue seeing the universe as you have been educated, that is, only one UNIVERSE, and this belief is more than discarded in magic ... for us there is no such aberration, it has neither meaning nor logic, what exists is a MULTIVERSE.

The difference between both words is obviously and only with that you have been following me for a while you will have them clear, but as a summary….

The popular belief that we live in a Universe, with only one dimension, where only one event happens at one time, we discard it, the reality is that, at every moment, at every decision, at every step we take, we are creating a different Universe, thousands of options happen at the same time, giving rise to thousands of lives within the same soul ... that is what we call MULTIVERSE ....

In one of those lives of the MULTIVERSE, it is now obvious that I am writing this text, you are reading it, in another one, you are playing football or watching television, or perhaps reading a book, or why not, you are even lucky, and you are having sex fucking wildly ...

all that is you, all that is happening, now in this very moment, in this space-time ...

How beautiful is this theory, right now? Well, if it is maximal because it is not only backed by crazy magicians or sorcerer like me (a White Wizard) WHAT WE HAVE SEEN, but also that quantum physics, metaphysics, and great theoretical physicists are demonstrating in a pragmatic way how much reason we have always had and continue to have it….

But explaining why multiverse, how they work, interrelate, etc., will be another story that will be told on another occasion ...

It helps me that for the moment you accept and understand two premises.

In order to understand the laws prevailing in the universe, we must get rid of all limiting emotions, see with the eyes of an observer, not a protagonist.

The universe does not exist, only the MULTIVERSE, in which all the options, in which all the choices are made, and all the paths traveled ...

So, by accepting this, we take off that emotional load of which he spoke before because what emotionally limited us as the death of that baby, TO HAPPENED AND NOT AT THE SAME TIME….

Do you remember Schrödinger's theory of The Cat?

Well, in white magic, we believe that the cat is as alive and dead at the same time as we are here, and that, just as it happens to the cat, as you will see in the video, we also live in that MULTIVERSE in which you have already tried to read me and in another one which not…

So, considering that my words from these moments are only and to talk about this dimension in which we find ourselves, we will start with a paradox that will your brains explode ...

THE FATE IF THERE IS ONE? that is, your fate, the one who is reading me right now exists, what will happen to you this afternoon, tonight, tomorrow, is already written ... (BUT I MUST INSIST WHAT IS IN THIS DIMENSION) , But that destiny because it is already written for you? And could it be changed?

So at the moment, yes in your life for example, there is a destiny, caused by how you behaved in your past, because as we have repeated until satiety, CAUSE-EFFECT, and that not only affects us and BY ASSUMPTION NOT ONLY IN THE "GOOD", affects this entire universe, and all those who are part of it, so if we eliminate all sentimentality of the equation and of course being as clear as possible even knowing the pain that my words can provoke I will not evade the answer, YOU KILLED THAT BABY, YOU KILLED THAT MOTHER OF 5 PREGNANT CHILDREN WHO WAS CAUGHT BY A DRUNK DRIVER, YOU AND ONLY YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN YOUR UNIVERSE ...

I think you did not expect this answer, then again, THIS HERE BECAUSE YOU HAVE CHOSEN IT, BECAUSE IF YOU WANTED SOMETHING MORE IN PLAN IS KARMA, OR IN PLAN IS THAT GOD IS UNFAIR, OR IS THAT …… COCKS IN VINEGAR, if you want words of comfort to Lurdes, if you ask me "Javi Sanjuan", then RESPONSIBILIZE THAT YOU WILL HAVE HIS TRUTH WITHOUT ORNAMENTS ... And this serves as an example, are you crying right now because you murdered that baby? Well, you are crying now also chose you because you might ask who you shouldn't ...

But you are not mistaken, you did not pull the trigger, you did not throw the baby out of the window, these are events that are in your universe because you want them to be ... in mine there are only flowers and butterflies HELLO! NOT!, seriously in my mind there are other things.

The events of adult people are easy to understand, we analyze their causes and see their effects, easy, right? But what about children and the apparently fortuitous events are more complex ... but they are more complex because as I said we see it from the emotional and limited part ... widen your mind, think in what sense it makes, think of a greater end that justifies something so Dramatic as if a 6-year-old child dies at the hands of his crazy mother, he thinks that he has wanted to show us that drunk or the pregnant woman in that "accident" or that events happen after this….

Do I remind you of another theory? You know I will do not matter what!

"The butterfly Effect"

Is a Complicated Theory? Yes or not

As usual, here there is an example with easy words:

Destiny, does it exist, how does it work?

Let's say that I go out now to the supermarket and among other things I buy a bottle of oil, I ask for a bag of these cheap ones because I do not want to spend money on a good bag ... when I walk towards to my apartment, the bag broken, the oil falls to the floor spilling part in the floor ... at that moment a little guy passes by my side, slips with the oil and staggers, in that wobble he remembers my family and immersed in his anger he goes to the road, at that time he was crossing a children's bus that He took children to school, the bus cannot stop, he tries to dodge the man but he does not get it, as a result, the man is run over, but the driver if he flips and does not measure the distance and runs over a mother who was walking her baby's cart on the opposite sidewalk….

But it could and in fact at the same time something else happens, we go back in the time of the example, the supermarket cashier asks me if I want a heavy bag, and I say YES!, but in good times, the oil bottle does not fall to the ground, the man does not slip, the bus driver does not have to give the blow and everyone lives and I make some good french fries….

But it also happens, that as I am on a diet I will not buy oil, because I do not want to eat potatoes….

Have you followed me???so far

Ergo, who is responsible for everything that has happened and not happened?

Of course, this post will be much longer, but as a good friend advised me, it is better than my writings are in fascicles so as not to saturate you….

You can comment and leave your doubts and comments as always, and in the continuation of this writing, along with the extension of it I will solve it, or if you have already understood it, you know that this writing is actually already finished, or that you never asked, that the flowers are not red and that the clouds dissipated with the heat of the sun….

A hug and kisses ………. Javier Sanjuan – Magia Blanca – Amarres de Amor

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